Youth Circus
Skill Level
Class Duration
Our classes in circus skills are a great way to improve motor skills, balance, coordination, flexibility and strength.
We have made some adjustments to our Youth circus programme. Oaks our new class will be for 11-16 year olds. Students aged 11-12 years should first attend our Saplings class to gain the skills needed to progress into this class. Students will be recommended to move up to this class by the tutor ,
This class also develops confidence, discipline and team work in a non-competitive and fun environment.
This age group focuses on building circus skills, improving teamwork, discipline and creativity.
Students will begin to have more autonomy and individual input into their training as they progress. Sessions include group games, a focussed physical warm up and structured skills sessions.
Students will participate in a variety of circus disciplines throughout the term. Every week they will cover acrobatics such as handstands and tumbling, and one other discipline, building their foundations in strength, body awareness, coordination and technique to achieve at all disciplines as they progress.
Additional disciplines vary from term to term, and over the year they will cover a wide variety including: trapeze, aerial hoop, tumbling, handstands, pyramids, juggling, hula hoops, silks, rope, Chinese pole and object balancing.
Exercises and tricks will be adapted to each participant’s level from complete beginners to more experienced. Participating students have several performance opportunities throughout the year, giving them an opportunity to develop confidence, team-work, creativity and a huge sense of achievement.
Advanced students who want to take their training to a new level should consider auditioning for our Academy.
All our activities take place in a safe environment with professional tutors.
Children are advised to wear comfortable clothing that they can move easily in that covers most of the skin, and to bring a water bottle and appropriate snacks for break time. Please ensure they remove any jewellery before class.
Classes are booked for a 5 – 7 week block following school half-terms.
Haven’t tried circus before? Want to see if it suits? Contact us before the start of term to book a try out session.
Oaks Youth Class
“Circus is a wonderful tool for improving physical literacy, teamwork, confidence, discipline and creativity in children and young people, and best of all its loads of fun!”
Got a question about this class?
Reach out to us by emailing info@theoakcircuscentre.org